How to Make Money Off Bonus Bets

How to make money off bonus bets: Three excited men celebrating a winning bet while watching a game, capturing the thrill and potential rewards of sports betting.

How to make money off bonus bets has become a common goal for many punters, bonus bets and free bets have turned out to be a commonplace advertising strategy among Australian bookmakers. They serve as a rewarding tool for both novice and seasoned punters looking to increase their potential returns without risking their own money. 

This blog post will discuss the intricacies of making money and creating wealth off bonus bets, offering detailed insights and strategies for maximising returns. We will also provide answers to frequently asked questions to ensure you have all the information you need to profit from these promotional offers.

What Are Bonus Bets and Why Do Bookmakers Offer Them?

Bonus bets, often referred to as free bets, are promotional tools provided by bookmakers to attract new customers or retain existing ones. They offer bettors the chance to place a wager without the usage of their own funds. Bookmakers offer these promotions to incentivise users to interact with their platforms, hoping to convert them into regular customers.

Various Scenarios in Which Bonus Bets Are Given

  • Welcome offers for new customers.
  • Promotions for existing customers, such as betting refunds if a horse finishes second.
  • Specific events, like a team losing by a kick, which triggers bonus bet offers.

The Business Strategy Behind Bonus Bets

Bookmakers use bonus bets as a strategy to growth their consumer base and raise engagement on their platforms. by way of providing free bets, they create possibilities for clients to win cash without financial threat, encouraging more frequent betting and loyalty to their service.

How to Get a Bonus Bet

Obtaining a bonus bet can be straightforward, but understanding the various methods is essential to maximise your opportunities. 

Welcome Offers

Most bookmakers provide bonus bets to new customers upon signing up and making an initial deposit. These offers are designed to draw new customers to the platform and normally come with a generous bonus bet amount that may be used on diverse sports or events.

Promotions for Existing Customers

Regular promotions, which includes cashback offers or bet boosts, are available to loyal customers. those promotions are geared toward preserving clients by imparting extra making a bet possibilities and enhancing the overall betting experience.

Specific Events

Bonus bets can be triggered by particular outcomes, such as a horse finishing second or a team losing by a narrow margin. These event-specific promotions add excitement to the betting process and offer bettors another chance to win.

What Is a Bonus Bet Sportsbet?

How to make money off bonus bets: A computer screen displaying bonus bets and promotional offers with various sports equipment around it.

Sportsbet is one of Australia’s leading bookmakers, and understanding their specific bonus bet offers is important for taking complete advantage of them. By familiarising yourself with Sportsbet’s promotional landscape, you may strategically utilise these offers to enhance your betting experience and probably increase your winnings.

Understanding Sportsbet Bonus Bets

Sportsbet provides a variety of bonus bet promotions tailored to different sports and events. These promotions may include:

  • Matched Deposit Bonuses: When you deposit a certain amount, Sportsbet matches this with a bonus bet of equal value, doubling your betting potential.
  • Free Bets on Losing Bets: If your bet loses under specific conditions (e.g., your team loses by one point), you might receive a free bet as compensation.
  • Promotional Bets Tied to Specific Events: Sportsbet frequently offers bonus bets during major sporting events like the AFL Grand Final or the Melbourne Cup, encouraging more engagement from their users.

Terms and Conditions Specific to Sportsbet

Each bonus bet offer from Sportsbet comes with its own set of terms and conditions, these are essential for understanding how important it is for maximising the value of these promotions. 

Minimum Odds Requirements

Bonus bets often have to be placed on events with minimum odds (e.g., 1.50 or higher). This ensures that users place their bonus bets on relatively competitive odds.

Expiration Dates

Bonus bets typically have an expiration period, often ranging from 7 to 30 days. It is important to use these bets before they expire to avoid losing the promotional value.

Turnover Requirements

To withdraw any winnings derived from bonus bets, you might need to wager the bonus amount a certain number of times (e.g., 3x turnover requirement). This condition ensures that bettors continue to engage and interact  with the platform.

Making Money Off Bonus Bets

A man excitedly looking at a computer screen displaying bonus bets and promotional offers in a home office setting.

Profiting from bonus bets requires a strategic approach and a thorough understanding of how to maximise the value of these promotions.

Arbing Bonus Bets

Arbing (or arbitrage betting) entails setting bets on all feasible outcomes of an event throughout exclusive bookmakers to guarantee  earnings, regardless of the result. This method may be particularly effective when the usage of bonus bets as it minimises the risk and maximises potential returns. For instance, if you place a bonus bet on one outcome and an actual money bet on the opposite outcome with another bookmaker, you can secure a profit.

Placing Bonus Bets on Longshot Odds

Betting on high odds can significantly increase the potential payout of your bonus bet. While the risk of losing is higher, the rewards can be vast if the bet wins. as an instance, placing a bonus bet on an underdog in a sports match can lead to impressive returns if the underdog prevails.

What’s the Best Way to Use Bonus Bets?

Maximising returns from bonus bets involves strategic planning and careful execution.

Strategies for Maximsing Returns

  • Betting on Longshot Odds: This increases the potential payout from a bonus bet.
  • Ensuring Profit Across Different Sportsbooks: By placing complementary bets across multiple sportsbooks, you can hedge your bets and guarantee a profit.

Calculating Profits from Bonus Bets

Understanding the mathematics behind bonus bets is essential for maximising profits.

Detailed Calculations for Laying and Backing Bets

  • Using Betfair to Lay Bets: Betfair allows you to lay bets (bet against an outcome), which can be combined with backing bets (betting for an outcome) on other sportsbooks to guarantee profits.
  • Minimising Variance: Ensure that the variance between the backing and laying odds is minimised to maximise your returns.

What Happens if I Lose a Bonus Bet?

A man studying betting strategies on a computer screen displaying bonus bets, strategies, and odds.

Losing a bonus bet does not always suggest or mean a total loss. Understanding how to manage these situations can help mitigate losses or even turn them into future opportunities. 

Here’s how to effectively manage losing a bonus bet and make the most out of similar offers.

Handling Losses and Push Scenarios

Bonus bets come with their own set of conditions, and knowing how to navigate these can make a big difference in your overall betting strategy.

Explanation of ‘Push’ in Betting

A push takes place when a bet results in a tie, meaning no winner or loser is determined. In many cases, this outcome in the original stake is refunded to the bettor. For example, if you place a bet on a soccer game with a handicap and the game ends exactly on that handicap, the bet is considered a push, and you usually get your stake back again. This rule often applies to both regular and bonus bets, effectively allowing you to reuse the bonus bet if the outcome is a push.

Different Sportsbook Policies

Each sportsbook has its own policies regarding how they handle pushes and losses. It is crucial to understand these policies to manage your bets effectively:

  • Refund Policies: Some sportsbooks might refund your bonus bet if it results in a push, allowing you to place another bet without additional risk.
  • Partial Returns: In some cases, sportsbooks might return a portion of your bonus bet if it results in a loss under specific conditions.
  • Turnover Requirements: Even if you lose a bonus bet, some sportsbooks might still require you to meet turnover requirements on any winnings from other bets placed using the same bonus.

How to Make Money Off Bonus Bets

Two individuals using mobile phones to place bets while watching a sports game in a stadium.

While similar to bonus bets, free bets have their own nuances and strategies for maximising their value.

Comparison of Free Bets and Bonus Bets

Free bets and bonus bets are often used interchangeably, but they can have different terms and conditions. Here’s a closer look at their differences and how to make the most of them:

Free Bets

These are considered as simpler promotions, it is often provided without the need for an initial deposit. Free bets typically come with just  fewer conditions and are easier to use compared to others. They are usually offered as a reward for participating in promotions or as a part of loyalty programs.

Bonus Bets

These often require an initial deposit or a specific betting activity to qualify. They may come with more stringent conditions, such as minimum odds requirements and turnover conditions before winnings can be withdrawn.

Example Scenarios and Strategies

Using free bets on events with high odds can maximise potential returns. Here are a few strategies to consider:

  • High-Odds Bets: Placing free bets on high-odds events can yield huge returns if the bet wins. While the risk is higher, the fact that you’re using a free bet means you’re now not risking your personal cash.
  • Matched Betting: This entails putting a free bet on one outcome and a real money bet on the opposite outcome with another bookmaker. This strategy ensures you cover all possible outcomes, securing a profit regardless of the result.

Value and Expiration of Bonus Bets

Bonus bets come with specific values and expiration timelines that need to be managed carefully.

  • Typical Values: Bonus bets can range in value, often between AUD 10 to AUD 100.
  • Expiration Timelines: Most bonus bets come with an expiration period, often within 7 to 30 days. It’s crucial to use them within this timeframe to avoid losing them.

Difference Between Bonus Cash and Bonus Bets

Group of excited friends celebrating a winning bet while checking their betting results on a smartphone in a sports bar.

Understanding the differences between bonus cash and bonus bets is critical for effective betting. these promotions, even as both precious, provide distinct benefits and boundaries that may considerably impact your betting approach and capacity profits.

Bonus Cash and Bonus Bets are both promotional tools offered by bookmakers, but they function differently and have varying conditions attached to them.

Bonus Cash

  • Definition: Bonus cash is money credited to your betting account, which can often be withdrawn after meeting certain conditions. These conditions usually include wagering the bonus cash a specified number of times (turnover requirement).
  • Usage: You can use bonus cash just like your regular balance to place bets. If you meet the wagering requirements, you can withdraw both the bonus cash and any winnings derived from it.

Bonus Bets

  • Definition: Bonus bets are essentially free bets that are given by the bookmaker. Unlike bonus cash, only the winnings from a bonus bet can be withdrawn, not the stake itself.
  • Usage: When you use a bonus bet, the stake is not returned to you if you win. For example, if you place a $10 bonus bet on an event with odds of 2.0, and you win, you will receive $10 (the profit) rather than $20 (the profit plus the stake).

Pros and Cons of Using Bonus Bets

While bonus bets offer several advantages, they also come with certain drawbacks. Understanding these can help you make more informed decisions and optimise your betting strategy.


No Risk to Personal Capital

Bonus bets will let you  place wagers without using your own money. This reduces your financial risk and provides a safety net, specially for new bettors. For example,  in case you get hold of a $50 bonus bet and lose, you haven’t lost any of your own money, making it a risk-free opportunity to potentially win.

Opportunities for High Returns

With strategic betting, bonus bets can lead you to gain significant profits. Betting on high-odds events with bonus bets can yield substantial returns if the bet is successful. For example, using a bonus bet on a long shot with odds of 5.0 can turn a $20 bonus bet into a $100 profit if the bet wins.


Turnover Requirements

Most bonus bets come with turnover requirements that must be met earlier than any winnings can be withdrawn. This often means you need to wager the winnings a certain number of times. For example, in case you win $100 from a bonus bet but the turnover requirement is 3x, you should place additional bets totaling $300 before you can withdraw your winnings.

Expiration Dates

Bonus bets usually expire within a certain period, requiring timely use. In case you do now not use the bonus guess inside the stipulated time, you lose the opportunity. For example, a bonus bet would possibly expire within 7 days of being credited. If you do not place a bet within this timeframe, the bonus bet will be forfeited.

Minimum Odds Restrictions

Often, bonus bets should be positioned on occasions with minimal odds. This restriction can limit your betting options and force you to place bets on higher-risk events. For example, a bookmaker may require that bonus bets be placed on events with odds of at least 1.50. This means you can not use the bonus bet on very low-risk bets, which could otherwise guarantee a win.

Strategies for Using Bonus Bets

A man studying betting strategies on a computer screen displaying bonus bets and detailed strategies, taking notes in a notebook.

Effective strategies can significantly increase your chances of profiting from bonus bets.

Effective Betting Strategies

  • Arbing and Matched Betting Techniques: These techniques involve placing bets on all possible outcomes of an event to guarantee a profit.
  • Using Multiple Accounts: Maximising profits by taking advantage of promotions across different sportsbooks.
  • Leveraging Bonus Bets on High-Odds Bets: Increasing potential returns by betting on high-odds events.

Tools and Resources

Utilising the right tools and resources can simplify the process of managing and profiting from bonus bets.

Effective Betting Tools

Bankroll Management Tips

Effective bankroll management is essential for sustained success in betting.

  • Tips for Managing Multiple Accounts and Bonus Bets: Keeping track of different promotions and managing your bankroll effectively.
  • Importance of Reading Terms and Conditions: Understanding the terms and conditions of each promotion to avoid pitfalls.

Matched Betting Australia for Bonus Bets

Matched Betting Australia is an invaluable resource for bettors aiming to maximise their returns from bonus bets. This platform can offer wealth of knowledge, tools, and community support to help both beginners and experienced bettors turn bonus bets into guaranteed profits.

Why Matched Betting Australia is the Best for Bonus Bets

Matched Betting Australia stands out as the premier resource for making the most out of bonus bets due to its comprehensive approach and user-centric resources. Here’s why:

Introduction to Matched Betting Australia

Matched Betting Australia is designed to provide bettors with everything they need to successfully engage in matched betting and maximise the value of bonus bets. The platform offers:

  • Comprehensive Guides: Detailed step-by-step guides that explain the intricacies of matched betting, from understanding the basics to mastering advanced strategies.
  • Educational Resources: A wealth of articles, videos, and tutorials that cover all aspects of betting, ensuring that users are well-informed and prepared to make profitable bets.
  • Community Support: An active community of bettors who share tips, strategies, and experiences. This support network is invaluable for learning and staying updated on the latest betting opportunities.
    A man participating in a virtual meeting, discussing betting strategies with a group of people on a video conference call.

How to Use Matched Betting Australia

Leveraging the resources provided by Matched Betting Australia can significantly enhance your ability to profit from bonus bets. Here’s how you can make the most of this platform:

  1. Sign Up and Explore Resources
    • Registration: Start by signing up on the Matched Betting Australia website to access their full range of resources.
    • Browse Guides and Tutorials: Familiarise yourself with the comprehensive guides and tutorials that cover everything from the basics of matched betting to advanced techniques. 
  2. Utilise Betting Tools
    • Betting Calculators: Use the platform’s betting calculators to accurately determine your stakes for matched bets. 
    • Odds Comparison Tools: Matched Betting Australia provides tools to compare odds across various bookmakers. 
  3. Follow Promo Calendars
    • Stay Updated: The platform offers promo calendars that list ongoing and upcoming promotions from various bookmakers. 
    • Free Webinars: Participate in free webinars hosted by Matched Betting Australia. These webinars provide in-depth insights into current betting strategies, updates on new promotions, and expert advice on maximising returns from bonus bets.
  4. Engage with the Community
    • Forums and Discussion Groups: Join the forums and discussion groups to connect with other bettors. Sharing experiences and strategies with the community can provide valuable insights.
    • Ask for Help: Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek advice from more experienced members. 
  5. Track Your Progress
    • Betting Logs: Maintain a detailed log of your bets, including the stakes, odds, and outcomes. 
    • Evaluate Performance: Regularly review your betting performance to identify areas for improvement. 


Creating money off bonus bets in Australia calls for a combination of strategic planning, powerful tools, and a thorough knowledge of the terms and conditions. By leveraging the insights and strategies mentioned in this blog post, you may maximise your returns and turn your bonus bets into a profitable venture. Remember to manage your bankroll effectively and stay informed about the latest promotions to continuously capitalise on these opportunities.

For those looking to dive deeper into the world of matched betting and maximise their profits, consider exploring Matched Betting Australia. This platform offers comprehensive resources, including free webinars and promo calendars, that will help you navigate the complexities of bonus bets and promotions. By becoming a member of our community, you can access expert advice, stay updated on the latest offers, and enhance your betting strategies to ensure consistent and regular profits. Don’t miss out on these valuable tools and opportunities to improve your betting experience.

To make money off bonus bets, place strategic bets on events with favorable odds or use arbitrage betting to ensure a profit regardless of the outcome. Always read the terms and conditions to maximize your gains.

You can get a bonus bet through sign-up offers, promotional campaigns, deposit bonuses, or referral programs offered by betting sites. Check the specific terms for each offer.

A bonus bet at Sportsbet is a promotional free bet given to users, often with specific conditions like minimum odds and wagering requirements. It’s used to place bets without risking your own money.

The best way to use bonus bets is by placing them on events with high odds, splitting them across multiple bets, and combining them with other promotional offers. Research thoroughly to increase your chances of winning.

If you lose a bonus bet, you don’t lose any of your own money since it’s a promotional offer. However, you won’t receive any return or benefit from the lost bet.

To make money off free bets, place them on high-value or sure bets, and consider using arbitrage betting techniques. Ensure you meet any rollover requirements to withdraw your winnings.