@legend4862 – I will let Jeremiah give you the full details on this one but I have been doing these offers myself on all NBA basketball offers to great success (they are all double your winnings in cash back to $25)
Lets say lakers are players Knicks as an example.
Lakers to win at 2.0 and knicks to win at 6.0
To lay on Betfair its lakers at 2.20 and Knicks at 6.60
I would pick the Knicks as they have higher odds and use the formula to calculate my back odds as follows:
=(6.0-1)=5×2 = 10+1 = 11
Lay odds = 6.60
Use calculator to enter the above odds for bookie (11) and Betfair as a lay (6.60)
If your bet wins you get double your winnings back in cash up to $25 and if it loses you make an instant profit as most of your cash ends up in Betfair! Its a win-win!
Ps: Always try to back and lay the non-favorite with high odds as this will maximize profits.
Ill let Jeremiah explain more details…