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  • john.bookie
    Post count: 48


    Just read richards blog post from this morning, and wanted to discuss his #1 Type. Back 1st, Lay 2nd.

    I understand why one would do that (bookies sometimes change as you put the bet in), but I disagree…. For mine, the exchange moves faster than the bookies….so you should lay first…

    If you back first, the exchange can get away real quick sometimes…

    What do you guys think?

    Post count: 15

    To be honest I do the same as Richard, back 1st lay 2nd. But everyone is entitled to their own strategy! I remember doing MB in the UK and they also all swore by the belief of always backing first. But if laying first is working then keep doing that =)

    Post count: 48

    lol, well so far its working I think…I just wonder if I am doing it wrong, because everyone else seems to do it the back first way too….

    But brain keeps saying to me…exchange moves faster than bookie…

    I can only think there is something I do not know 🙂

    Post count: 53

    Hi John,

    Whatever works for you I suppose but I wouldn’t lay first!

    I choose to back 1st and lay 2nd as I have been burnt badly doing it the other way 🙁

    Hope you are having a solid week of Matched Betting mate!


    Post count: 48

    Can you describe what happened/how you got burned?

    I’d prefer the same didnt happen to me 🙂

    I have notice crow…beteasy cause there website is slow it fairly often changes the odds late after you’ve clicked your bet sort of thing….I haven’t been burned by that yet…but I could see that happening….

    Thanks willie!

    Richard (MBA)
    Post count: 242

    Hey John,

    Yeah I personally prefer the back 1st lay 2nd, just to keep on the safe side! If you do the other way and it works for you, then all good.

    As long as you keep mistakes to the minimum!

    Post count: 53

    Back the $25 risk-free offer on Race 1 at Newcastle tomorrow with Beteasy 😉

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