Hey Guys,
I have created a TOPIC so that we can share ideas on a weekly strategy.
AS matched bettors we are always looking to make a guaranteed profit off every trade.
Luckily with all these risk-free offers around, its quite easy to do 🙂
This has been my weekly strategy for the last 6 weeks:
Monday -Friday: Bank the daily risk-free offer.. make $15+ a day = $75
Mon-fri: do at least one race a day with close odds.
Average 2 refunds a week so profit $70 a week with sportsbet.
Neds, Sportsbet, Beteasy and some Pointsbet – have been averaging around $200 profit per weekend here.
Just find good odds here.
Weekly profit: =$75+$70+$200 (average) = $345.00 for about 4-5 hours a week.
I have only been doing horses and 1 x EPL offer.
Does anyone else have a better strategy for me to follow?
I would like to up the ante and spend more time doing matched betting every weekend!
Anyway, any ideas/thoughts would be wonderful! :))