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Strategies to Keep Money in Your Betting Account
I suspect there is no answer to this, but hopefully there are greater minds than mine out there….
My plan is to keep the gravy train running for perpetuality. I figure….the only way that’s going to happen is if I NEVER do a withdrawel from my bookie accounts.
So to that end, I need all my winnings to end up at the exchange. But how?
I have contemplated doing Martindale bets (martindale matched bets that is) until I lose at the bookie and win at the exchange…. But….if that was going to work…I wouldn’t even need to match bet in the first place…I’d just martindale everywhere and be rich….
or I could bet on long odds, but evently that long odds is going to win and back to square one!
Does anyone have any ideas?
Yeah thats the ultimate idea I guess!
What u mean by Martindale bets? Never heard of it =))
Martindale just means double your bet every time. All the roulette and casino crowd are into ‘systems’ like that.
Basically if you have deep pockets you can never lose except for on massive losing streaks…they are useful to know..but dont help in the long run … google them…
Hi John,
To be honest with you i wouldnt use that strategy because the downside is that could lose it all.
Lets take horses.. if you just a back a horse to win every race and their are 10 runners in the race, then their is a 9 our of 10 chance you will lose every race (90%) which is horrible odds..
Luckily with Matched Betting, the odds are stacked that most of our cash moves to the exchange anyway.
We make our money from risk-free, non gambling techniques and profit off bookmaker bonuse bets/bonus cash if we hit certain trigger events like ie. come 2nd or 3rd in selected races or double your winnings. Our only loss is a qualifying loss which is offset by profits which we sustain in the long term by doing all offers consistently!
Thats just my thoughts and ideas.
Heya Willie, nah, I don’t mean a pure martindale as such. One can never win that way, statistically, the losing streak will come and you lose all that you have made (and more)…
I just mean doubling up matched bets…i.e. until it all lands at the exchange…(I would take a qualifying loss until it ended in the exchange)…but doing that suffers the same statistical problem a regular martindale bet…(eventually I will hit a streak of loses and all my money will end up back in the bookies)
Maybe I am unlucky, but I have found most of my money has been trending towards landing in the bookies?
Basically one technique I was plotting was…say with horses. Lets take sportsbets dailiy races 1-3 (victorian track)…
If the favorite wins in all three of those bonus bet races, the odds of the favorite winning in race 4 are decreased. (Depending on if you believe in the gamblers fallacy)…it would statistically be more likely for the favorite not to win and my money end up in the exchange. Plus having the bonus of a mug bet…
Hypothetically, say odds of 2 for all favorites. The chances of them winning 4 times in a row is 1 in 16 (I think)…
Anyway…something like that is what I am thinking about….
But yeah, I think the gamblers fallacy is pretty much a reality, so…I doubt this would work in practice… 🙂
Thanks for the detailed input John!
I understand it now and will eventually give it a go 🙂
How has your weeks Matched Betting been?
I have been banking the Beteasy risk-free offers.. on average $15 for Mon,Tues, Thurs and Fri and did the neds today at Bendigo .. should make $13+ (hopefully find odds for tmrw at Sunshhine coast)
Tommorw ill get involved with PointsBet and do the Beteasy EPL offer!
Happy matched betting weekend!
Yeah, I been doing purely beteasy and sportsbet through the week…with about the same profits as you 🙂 Pays for lunch!
Neds I do intermitantly, thier bonuses are a bit paltry tho…and I hate that some of them you have to use up on a particular event. It’s too hard when one isn’t sitting at a computer 24hours a day….
Pointsbet bonus baned me. Bastards! 🙂 I signed up at bonusbank a few weeks back (using richards affiliate link)….and the consensus there is that pointsbet will pretty much gub everyone real quick….
So…it could be your last week at pointsbet my friied 🙂 I am terribly bummed to miss it tho…
Hi John,
Great strategy! Keep making small wins.
well, if its my last week then i am going out with a bang!
Will keep you posted on my day.
Hey John
Pity bout Pointsbet, they are cunts for banning u! All the bookies are to be fair, so just rinse em all! - AuthorPosts
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